Credit Card Much Profitable Company
Do you know how much profit is made by the credit card companies? Around 30 billion dollars a year and growing, in the U.S. alone. The credit card industry is the most profitable in the U.S. Penalties and interest rates, in that order, and if you’ve got a credit card with a balance, you’re paying them. If you carry a balance, pay the minimum payment, and occasionally make a late payment– you can easily be in a situation where you will never pay off the balance.
So it would be right to say “Credit card debt is a heap of crap.” It’s not pretty to look at. You’re tired of seeing the stupid commercials about how people’s lives are suddenly changed for the better – once they’ve got their fancy new credit card with a image of some downy puppy on it. According to the T.V., credit card game are capable of defeating hosts of armed savages and have got something to make with genuinely fantastic and amusing minutes in our lives.